Blood Chemistry Review and Health CoachingÂ
Dealing with health symptoms and want to address the root cause of them? Blood work is an underutilized tool to give insight into the health of your body and clues as to what is interfering with your health.
Looking at a blood work panel through a functional lens can help explain what’s going on in your body and point towards steps you can take to bring your body back into balance.
Normal Isn’t Optimal…
Did you know that the reference ranges listed on the lab report are just averages of the population? Unfortunately, as our population’s health continues to decline, these reference ranges get wider and wider. This means your labs could say you are in the “normal” range, but that doesn’t mean it’s optimal!
A common experience I see with clients is this…
They don’t feel good and are struggling with odd health symptoms, so they go to their doctor to get blood work done. But then the labs come back “normal” and their doctor says that nothing is wrong! How frustrating!
However, optimal ranges are much narrower. When you look at blood work through this alternative lens, it becomes clear why they are not feeling vital. Blood work can show us red flags and point to a pathway that leads back to health.Â

Symptoms That are Common But Not Normal...
- Acne or other skin issues
- Bloating
- Indigestion
- Fatigue
- Insomnia
- Weight gain
- Painful or irregular periods
- Headaches
- Random aches and pains
- Hair loss
- Brain fog
- Anxiety/depression
Blood Work Can Point to Root Causes Like...
- Parasites
- Heavy metals
- Mold toxicity
- Chronic viral infections
- Chronic bacterial infections
- Toxin exposures
- Liver, kidney, & gut function
- Thyroid health
- Mitochondrial function
- Adrenal health
- Nervous system health
- Nutritional deficiencies
Feeling Like Something's Wrong With Your Body?
Believe me...I've been there too. I used to struggle with "unexplained" symptoms like bloating, acne, hormonal imbalances, inflammation, fatigue, brain fog, and sleep disturbances that traditional doctors didn't have a diagnosis for.Â
After walking myself through my own healing protocols based on my own blood work, I finally found the health I knew my body was craving deep down. All along, my body was never "broken"...I just didn't have the right protocol to address my root causes.Â
What's the Process Like?
Initial Consult
We will meet on Zoom for 60 minutes to discuss your health history in depth. This consultation will help me understand where you’re at in terms of nutrition, lifestyle habits, health symptoms, potential toxicities, and the strength of your nervous system.
Get your Bloodwork Done
After your initial consult, I will send you a bloodwork requisition form you can take to any LabCorp near you. When your results are ready, I will review them and we will meet for another 60 minute consult to go over them together.
Start Your Customized Protocol
Based off of your symptoms and bloodwork, I will customize a protocol for you that includes high quality supplementation, nutrition, and lifestyle tweaks to support your body in coming back to balance. We will meet every 30 days to check in and create your next 30 day plan. You can expect about 4-6 months of working together to address your root cause.
Each follow up session: $175
My Experience and Education
Master Blood Chemistry, MBCE
National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach, NBCHWC
Integrative Healthcare, BS
Experience with nervous system regulation, Polyvagal Theory, and somatic work
Hours and hours of holistic health studies and research
My own personal journey of recovering from severe acne, digestive issues, hormonal imbalances, brain fog, and mental health struggles (I’ve been in your shoes before!)

Blood Work Coaching WaitlistÂ
Note: I am currently fully booked, and have a waitlist. Please enter your name and email, and I will contact you when a space is available. The waitlist time is roughly 4-8 weeks, but can vary depending on when my current clients feel complete. I’m looking forward to working with you soon! :)